This card is an invitation for the Footprint exposition at the MoMu in Antwerp. The visual of the card is based on the design of the Footprint book cover (book published by Lannoo).
The design is created during the Martin Margiela showwhere the models would walk through a paint bath before stepping onto the catwalk and thus leaving footprints all over the catwalk. The cover shows the footprint left by the Martin Margiela Tabi shoe.
The front of the card is a combination of silk-screen print and black foil. The back is offset printed black.
Footprint, the book as well as the exposition were curated by Geert Bruloot (Coccodrillo) and Dodi Espinosa. Jelle Jespers designed the book and the invitation.
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Name project:Footprint
Author:Jelle Jespers
Creation:Jelle Jespers
Paper quality:Gmund Cotton 600 g
Printer:Drukkerij Baeyens for offset printing and foil - Afreux for the silk screen printing